Kinnow Juice: A Healthy Drink For Winter Season

By Nikita Toppo

February 14, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

Packed with vitamin C and potassium, kinnow juice is a great addition to the winter diet. Here are five reasons to drink it daily.

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Gives Energy

Packed with glucose kinnow juice is a great source of energy. It is best served with the breakfast.

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Aids Digestion

Drinking kinnow juice daily relieves from various digestive issues like indigestion and constipation.

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Reduces Acidity

Having a glass of kinnow juice after a heavy and fatty meals soothes heartburn and acidity. It is also good for intestines.

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Strong Bones

Kinnows are loaded with calcium which helps in contributing to strong and healthy bones.

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Helps In Weight Loss

This fruit juice is known to boost metabolism in the body which is helpful for curbing untimely hunger and weight loss.

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