Keep Your Utensils Fresh: Tips To Remove Meat Odour

By Tarishi Shrivastava

September 3, 2024

Are you also struggling with the smell of meat in your utensils? Do not worry here are a few tips to completely free your utensils from the meat odour:


The acidic properties of lemons can help remove odours. You can also cover half a lemon with salt and rub it on wooden utensils to remove stains and grime. 

Baking Soda

Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with four to five tablespoons of vinegar, and add some thin lemon slices. Use this mixture to clean your utensils. 


Simmer half a cup of vinegar with one cup of water on the stove to neutralise odours. You can also mix white vinegar and water to wipe down your kitchen worktop.

Coffee Grounds

Leave out small bowls of fresh coffee grounds to neutralise bad odours.

Activated Carbon

Activated carbon can remove organic molecules that cause odours from cheese, fish, garlic, and raw meats. 


Boil some cinnamon in water, let it cool, and use the water to remove food residue odours.