
Keep Your Stainless-Steel Utensils Shining, Use These Tips 

By Deepali Verma


While there have been numerous trends in cookware and utensils over the years, stainless steel seems to have remained a constant. Maintaining them, though, can be difficult. Here are some simple techniques you may do at home to restore the shine of stainless-steel cookware. 

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Fill the pan with water, then heat it on the burner to remove the burnt food that has become stuck to the bottom. By doing this, the stuck food will be released, making the utensil simpler to clean. 


Baking Soda And Water 

Using baking soda, you may quickly and effectively remove hard brown areas. Put the utensils in a sizable pot or basin and sprinkle them with a lot of baking soda. Soak them for few minutes, scrub and rinse. Its shiny again 



Add one or two spoons of vinegar to the stained area and then wash it with hot water to remove the marks. Allow it to sit for 15 to 20 minutes while covered. Watch the shine return after a thorough wash. 


Lemon Juice 

Squeeze two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice into a bowl along with two tablespoons of baking soda. Apply this mixture evenly to the utensils with a sponge, and then leave them for 10 to 15 minutes. Take a look at your spotless kitchenware after giving them a warm water rinse. 


Just squeeze in toothpaste and 1 tbsp. baking soda. Form a paste and apply it now with care to all of the stainless steel cookware. After that, wash it away, clean it, and pat it dry with a fresh cloth. 


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