Keep Your Onions Fresh For Long This Way 

By Deepali Verma

Adding texture and flavour to a range of meals, onions are a common item in most kitchens. Onions, however, are very perishable and if not stored properly, can quickly go bad. Here are some tips and ways to help you safely preserve onions and keep them fresher for long. 

Keep Away From Sun 

The primary rule of onion storage is that they should be kept between 12 and 17 degrees F in a neat and tidy, dark, and dry environment. Potatoes and onions should never be stored together since this can promote deterioration. 

Remove The Plastic 

Never store onions in a plastic bag because ventilation is required to keep them from becoming bad. Instead, put them in a clear basket at room temperature. 

Do Not Refrigerate 

Onions shouldn't be refrigerated because the cold, wet climate might make them go bad or mouldy. In a dry, well-ventilated area is the ideal location to store onions. 

Buy Fresh Onions 

Look for dry, layered onions when purchasing them. There should be no spots on the onion's exterior layer or wetness inside, as these things can ruin it. 

Sliced, diced, or halved raw onions should also be kept in the fridge in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag. 

Storing The Sliced Onion