Kali Mirch: 6 Reasons To Include Black Pepper In Your Monsoon Diet

By Nikita Toppo

September 21, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Loaded with vitamins, iron, calcium and antioxidants, this spice is used for flavouring several Indian dishes. Here are six health benefits of eating black pepper during the monsoon.

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Boosts Immunity

The high content of antioxidants and vitamin C present in black pepper helps boost immunity.

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Protects From Cold And Flu

The components present in black pepper stimulate airflow and reduce nasal congestion, which provides relief from several respiratory ailments.

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Improves Digestion

Consuming it daily with your meals or as a drink will aid in breaking down the complex food components and relieve stomach and intestinal diseases.

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Relieves Joint Pain

Black pepper contains anti-inflammatory properties that can provide relief from joint pain and swelling.

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Enhances Nutrient Absorption

A compound called piperine found in this spice improves the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in the food you are consuming.

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Boosts Heart Health

Besides taking care of your health during the monsoon, black pepper is also good for your heart.

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