Kala Jamun Bagels A Fusion Treat

By Tarishi Shrivastava

August 10, 2024

Do you also love kala jamun? Kala jamun as a monsoon delight treat, simply eat them with a mix of salt and red chilli powder. Add a fusion to this simple treat, but making Kala Jamun Bagels:


1/2 cup warm water 1 tbsp honey 1 tsp active dry yeast 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup kala jamun 1/2 tsp salt Hot water 1 tbsp brown sugar 1 tsp baking soda

Step 1

Mix and let the yeast proof for 10 min.

Step 2

Add all the ingredients to flour and mix. 

Step 3

Transfer to a kneading surface and knead a smooth, slightly sticky dough.

Step 4

Add the dough to a greased bowl.

Step 5

Brush the dough with oil and rest for 1 ½  hours. 

Step 6

Deflate the dough and divide the dough into four equal pieces.

Step 7

Shape the pieces into bagels and place them on parchment paper squares.

Step 8

Let them rise again, and cover for 30 minutes.

Step 9

Boil water, and add a mix of sugar and baking soda to it.

Step 10

Then put the puffed bagels in sugar-soda water.

Step 11

Brush the bagels with milk and butter mixture.

Step 12

Preheat oven for 20-25 min at 220°C and bake them. 

Step 13

Once cool serve with cream cheese.