Janmashtami 2024: Vegan Panchamrit To Enjoy Plant-Based Festivities 

By Deepali Verma

August 24, 2024

Janmashtami, a celebration of Lord Krishna’s birth, often involves offering panchamrit, a sacred mixture. Here's a vegan version that maintains tradition while catering to modern dietary preferences.  


1 cup coconut milk 1 cup almond milk 2 tbsp coconut sugar or jaggery 1 tbsp chopped almonds 1 tbsp chopped cashews 1 tbsp raisins 1 tbsp dried figs, chopped 1 tbsp grated coconut 1 tbsp basil leaves (tulsi) 1 tsp cardamom powder 

Step 1

In a mixing bowl, combine coconut milk and almond milk. Add coconut sugar or jaggery to the milk mixture and stir until dissolved. 

Step 2

Add chopped almonds, cashews, raisins, dried figs, and grated coconut. Stir in the basil leaves and cardamom powder for flavour. 

Step 3

Mix well and let the panchamrit sit for a few minutes to allow the flavours to meld. Serve as an offering or enjoy as a nourishing drink.