Jaggery Vs Molasses: What's The Difference Between The Two?

By Yash Lakhan

January 22, 2024

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Jaggery is a common sweetener commonly used in South Asian and African nations, whereas molasses is a common component of baking dishes. They use the same extraction technique but are two distinct products. Keep reading to learn more.

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Jaggery is extracted by boiling sugarcane juice in large pans and leaving it to solidify. The outcome is a brown, unrefined sugar with a distinct caramel flavour.

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It is created by boiling sugar cane or sugar beet juice until it thickens and the sugar crystallizes. The resulting combination is then separated, with the leftover liquid becoming molasses.

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Jaggery comes in both a solid and firm texture, whereas molasses is thick and sticky in texture.

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Jaggery ranges from light brown to caramel and molasses range from light to black straps.

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Jaggery is known for its caramel taste with hints of earthliness. Molasses, on the other hand, boasts a bitter-sweet flavour.

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Jaggery is often used in many sweet recipes, like barfi and ladoos, in place of sugar in tea and coffee, along with rice dishes. Molasses is a common ingredient in cakes, cookies, gingerbread, and more.

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