Jaggery To Dates: 6 Amazing Indian Sugar Alternatives

By Yash Lakhan

January 15, 2024

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Eating sweet dishes feels like bliss to the soul but they have some serious side effects for the body due to refined sugar. But don't worry; India has various alternatives to sugar that are much healthier in comparison. Still, practice moderation with these alternatives.

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With a lower GI, you can substitute jaggery in place of white sugar in your teas and sweets.

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A popular natural sweetener that is known for its calorie-free nature. Perfect for your yoghurts, desserts, and beverages.

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Monk Fruit Extract

A healthy natural sweetener just like stevia with no calories. It has become quite popular recently among the health-conscious people.

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Known for its immunity-boosting abilities, honey is a lovely alternative to sugar in teas, chutneys, and jams.

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You can use their natural sweetness to enhance your desserts, chutneys, and even rice dishes.

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A natural candy that you can use in various applications like smoothies, milkshakes, energy balls, and baked goods.

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