Is Your Soya Turning Rubbery? Tips To Cook It Correctly

By Suprita Mitter

October 20, 2024

Soya must be cooked correctly to ensure it achieves the right texture and absorbs flavours effectively. Incorrect cooking can lead to blandness or an unpleasant texture. When prepared properly, soya becomes tender and delicious.

Soak and Hydrate

Before cooking, soak soya chunks or granules in warm water for 15-20 minutes to soften them. Squeeze out excess water before use.

Rinse Thoroughly

After soaking, rinse the soya thoroughly to remove any residual raw smell or taste.

Season Well

Soya absorbs flavours easily, so marinate or cook it with strong spices, herbs, or sauces for a better taste.

Cook In Broth

For added flavour, cook soya chunks in vegetable or meat broth instead of plain water.

Simmer Slowly

Soya requires slow simmering in gravies or curries to absorb the spices and become tender.

Avoid Overcooking

Overcooking can make soya rubbery or mushy. Cook until just tender for the best texture.