Is Your Honey Pure? Let's Find Out

By Tanisha Salwan

Honey is something that has so many benefits but all it needs is a check on its quality. It is no less than a challenge to find pure honey as it could be easily adulterated. Let us see some ways that can determine if the honey is pure or not.

Thumb Test

Put a drop of honey on your thumbnail and see if it spells. If it stays intact, it is pure.

Water Test

Add honey into warm water and mix. If the honey dissolves in water easily, it is not pure. 

Flame Test

Dip a piece of cotton in the honey and set it on fire. If it doesn't burn, it is not pure.

Heat Test

Pure honey caramelizes after being heated unlike the adulterated one.

Bread Test

Spread a layer of jam on a bread. If the bread turns crunchy, the honey is pure.