Is Fuzzy Navel Cocktail A Spin-Off Of Screwdriver?

By Jasmine Kaur

This yummy peachy cocktail is known to pack citrusy and sweet flavours, that enhances the taste of liquor. But what makes it so special?

All About  Fuzzy Navel 

Fuzzy refers to peach schnapps and the navel is a term for orange. This yummy concoction is blended together and made in a jiffy. 

Origins of  Fuzzy Navel 

This cocktail was invented at the National Distillers in the US IN 1984. Another theory suggests that a bartender, Ray Foley concocted it with orange juice and peach schnapps as a spinoff to screwdriver. 

What Is Screwdriver? 

While screwdriver is essentially made with vodka and orange juice while fuzzy navel is a peachy take on this classic cocktail. 


• 4 ounces peach schnapps • 4 ounces orange juice, freshly squeezed

Step 1 

Add ice to a highball glass. 

Step 2

Add peach schnapps and orange juice over the ice. Do not over stir the concoction.

Step 3

If you like you can garnish it with an orange wedge.