Is Chia And Sabja Same? Know These 5 Interesting Differences

By Bornika Das

For all weight watchers, chia seeds and sabja seeds play an important role in your diet. Both the seeds are consumed after soaking them in water. They are said to boost the weight loss process. Most people think that they are identical, however there are some major differences between them. Read more: 


Chia seeds are all the way from central and southern Mexico. Sabja seeds are hailed from India and the Mediterranean region. 

Colour And Shape 

Chia seeds are usually a mix of grey, black and white. They are oval in shape. Whereas Sabja seeds are black in colour and round in appearance.

On Soaking In Water 

Chia seeds take time to absorb in water. They can absorb 10 times their weight and usually settle down by forming a gel-like texture at the bottom of the glass. Sabja seeds on the other hands swell up on mixing with water by forming a translucent coat around them. 


Chia seeds do not have any taste and can be incorporated I any kind of dish. Sabja seeds have a mild basil favour and adds the same to drinks and desserts. 

Health Benefits 

Chia seeds can boost energy, stabilize blood sugar levels, and are highly recommended for weight loss. Sabja seeds cool down the body temperature, combat acidity, improve hair health, detoxifies your body and keeps your gut healthy.