Indulge These Vegetable Soups During Monsoon

By Nikita Toppo

Boost your immunity this monsoon with these five healthy and comforting vegetable soups.

Carrot Ginger Soup

This soup prepared with the combination of carrot and ginger is nutrition packed along with being light and easy to prepare.

Pumpkin Soup

This classic and creamy soup has variety of elements like vitamins and iron that protects the body against monsoon diseases.

Broccoli Soup

This soup combines the goodness of broccoli and spices like pepper and cream that makes it ideal for monsoon.

Tomato Soup

Being rich in vitamins this simple soup also regulates blood pressure along with building immunity.

Mixed Vegetable Soup

This delicious soup is prepared with veggies like tomatoes, french beans and carrots along with the tempering of black pepper, cumin, and curry leaves.