Indian Summer: Here Are The Tips For Staying Hydrated

By Bornika Das

Summer is here and it is important to keep us hydrated. Dehydration can lead to several health issues. Water is essential for various bodily functions, including regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients and oxygen, and removing waste. Thus, when you're dehydrated you fail to perform these functions. Dehydration an lead to headaches, dizziness, and even heatstrokes.

Drink Water Regularly

It is important to drink 8-10 glasses of water even when you're not thirsty. 

Keep Bottle Handy

Keep bottle handy everytime to remind yourself to drink water often.

Eat Fruits & Veggies With High Water Content

It is important to intake fruits and vegetables that are hogh in water content such as cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon.

Avoid Alcohol And Caffeinated Drinks

Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks as they dehydrate the body.

Keep Other Fluids Handy

Carry a small bottle of coconut water or buttermilk in case you need a quick hydration boost