Independence Day 2024: Tiranga Sandwich Recipe For Your Child's Tiffin

By Krati Purwar

August 13, 2024

Independence Day is approaching, and India will be celebrating its 78th. If your children participate in their school function, hide a tiranga sandwich in their tiffin. Pack some extra because their friends would want to take a bit of it.


3 slices of bread 1/2 cup grated carrot ½ cup lettuce leaves 1 tsp green chutney 1 slice of cheese 1 tbsp mayonnaise Salt to taste ¼ tsp pepper powder

Step 1

Take slices of bread and cut the edges. This will ensure the sandwich remains moist and boasts the tricolours of the Indian flag.

Step 2

Between two slices of bread, apply green chutney and arrange lettuce. Sprinkle salt and pepper powder.

Step 3

Apply mayonnaise on the third slice and the middle one. Layer it with grated carrots, salt to taste, and pepper powder.

Step 4

Add a cheese slice above the carrot and assemble the sandwich.

Step 5

For more flavour, you can spread tomato ketchup over lettuce, which will remain hidden.

Step 6

Pack the sandwich with a tri-coloured salad and you will never hear the end of praises from your children and their friends.