Include These 6 Probiotics In Your Diet To Keep The Gut Healthy

By Nikita Toppo

July 28, 2023

Adding probiotics to your diet can offer numerous health benefits along with a healthy digestive system. Here are six probiotic foods that can improve your gut health.


Yoghurt is one of the best sources of probiotics that promotes bone and heart health along with gut system.

Soft Cheeses

Fermented soft cheeses like Gouda are a good source of probiotics that improve gut health.


This thick, creamy, and tangy drink has its own strains of probiotic bacteria along with some helpful yeast varieties.

Sourdough Bread

This variety of bread also contains probiotics that improve digestion.

Sour Pickles

Always choose naturally fermented pickles that are prepared without vinegar to keep your gut system healthy.


Made from a base of fermented soybeans, this food item acts as a natural antibiotic that fights certain bacteria.