Immunity To Skin Health: 6 Benefits Of White Makhan

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

December 8th, 2023

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White makhan / butter is a natural and unprocessed alternative to the yellow butter that is commonly found on store shelves. Setting it apart from its salted, yellow counterpart, white butter boasts an array of nutritional advantages. Here are 6 benefits of white makhan.

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White butter contains essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D, which help to improve immune system function. These nutrients support the body’s ability to defend against infections and illnesses, making them a valuable addition to your diet for overall health.

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White butter contains lecithin, a natural compound that aids in the breakdown of unhealthy fats and promotes a faster metabolism. This can be particularly beneficial for those aiming to manage their weight and achieve better metabolic health.

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Joint Health

The molecular structure of white butter allows it to assimilate fats effectively. This quality can provide lubrication to the joints, offering relief to people with joint pain or discomfort. It’s a natural way to support joint health and mobility.

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Skin Health

Thanks to its vitamin E content, white butter supports healthy skin. Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant properties, which help to maintain clear and radiant skin.

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Absence Of Sodium

One of the best qualities of white butter is its absence of salt, a characteristic that sets it apart from the often sodium-rich yellow butter. This feature makes white butter a healthier choice as it curbs sodium and trans fat consumption.

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White butter has essential nutrients such as vitamins A and D, good for the eyes and the body.

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