Immunity Boosting To Weight Loss:  6 Benefits Of Jaggery

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 21st, 2023

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Made primarily from raw, concentrated sugarcane juice that is boiled until it solidifies, it is essentially a type of unrefined sugar. Also known as Gur, it can be made from date palm or the sap of coconut too. With many nicknames around the country, it also has a lot of benefits. Here are 6 benefits of including jaggery in your diet.

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Weight Loss

Jaggery is a complex sugar, made up of long chains of sucrose. The body takes time to digest the sucrose thus releasing the extracted energy slowly and for a longer stretch. This also makes us feel fuller for longer, reducing our appetite.

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Blood Pressure

The presence of potassium and sodium in jaggery helps maintain acid levels in the body. This, in turn, maintains normal blood pressure levels.

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Menstrual Pain

Jaggery is a natural remedy to ease pain occurring from menstrual cramps. Jaggery intake releases endorphins, a happy hormone, that helps tackle symptoms of PMS like mood swings, irritability, food cravings and so many more. Regular consumption of jaggery may also help regulate irregular periods as well.

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People commonly consume jaggery after meals since it is one of the best natural cleansing agents for the body. Eating this food can help remove all kinds of unwanted particles from the intestines, stomach, food pipe, lungs, and respiratory tract successfully.

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Treats Cold

Jaggery also helps cure flu-like symptoms such as cold and cough. It leads to the production of heat in one’s body thereby fighting the cold.

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Immunity Boost

Antioxidants and minerals like selenium and zinc are present in substantial quantities in jaggery. This helps in preventing free radical damage along with building resistance against various infections. This is why it is eaten frequently in winters.

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