Boiling To Grilling: 5 Ways To Cook Perfect Corn On The Cob At Home

By Nikita Toppo

July 10, 2023

Corn on the cob is the most popular recipe to enjoy this yummy delight during the monsoon. Here are five ways to cook corn on the cob at home.

Boiled Corn On The Cob

This is the easiest and the most classic way to cook corn on the cob at home. Boil the corn for 5-7 minutes and done.

Microwaved Corn On The Cob

Wrap each shucked ear of corn in a damp paper towel and microwave on high for 3 to 5 minutes and enjoy.

Baked Corn On The Cob

Preheat your oven to 180 degree C and cook the corn for 45 min and enjoy.

Barbecued Corn On The Cob

If you want to give the corn a delicious hint of caramelisation and smokiness, then this is the best method for you.

Grilled Corn On The Cob

Grill the corn for about ten minutes on a medium heat and you are good to go.