How To Tell Your Frozen Food Has Gone Bad? 

By Sushmita Sengupta

Frozen food can be a lifesaver, especially if you live alone, or have busy schedules. But frozen foods aren’t immortal. They too come with a shelf-life, and will go bad after a while. Here are some tell-tale signs.  

Dull Veggies

If cooked veggies aren't as bright as they once were, they’re probably going bad due to faulty packaging or being stored for too long. 


Storing foods in airtight bag or container prevents odours. However, if you defrost something and it smells stale, it's usually not worth cooking. 

Change In Colour

If your red steak has become greyish brown, or your pink pork has turned dark brown or grey-that means they have come in contact with air and are unfit to consume. Toss out immediately.  

Change In Texture

The texture of food tells a lot about the quality. If it feels too mushy, too dry, or just too weird from usual, it is bets to toss it aside.  

Ice Crystals

Ice crystals form when significant amount of moisture is lost from the food, which affects the flavour and texture of the food too.