How To Preserve Your Spices During Monsoon 

By Deepali Verma

August 5, 2024

Monsoon humidity can make it challenging to keep spices fresh. Here are five practical tips to preserve their flavour and aroma during the rainy season. 

Airtight Containers 

Store spices in airtight containers to protect them from moisture. Glass jars with tight-fitting lids or vacuum-sealed bags are excellent options. 

Use Silica Gel Packets 

Place silica gel packets in your spice containers. These absorb moisture, keeping your spices dry and fresh. 

Store in a Cool, Dry Place 

Keep spices away from direct sunlight and heat. A cool, dry pantry or cupboard is ideal for maintaining their freshness. 

Regular Sun Drying 

Sun-dry your spices periodically to remove any absorbed moisture. Spread them out in a thin layer and expose them to sunlight for a few hours. 


For delicate spices like saffron and poppy seeds, consider refrigeration. Use airtight containers to prevent them from absorbing odours and moisture from the fridge.