How To Make The Classic PB&J Sandwich

By Risha Ganguly

Peanut better and jelly sandwich is a classic sweet and salty combination that everyone likes. Let us see how to make it in easy steps.


The most basic ingredients are needed for a PBJ sandwich. As the name suggests, you need peanut butter, jelly and toast. Dairy butter is an optional ingredient.

Step 1

Take 2 slices of either white or multi-grain bread according to your preference and fitness.

Step 2

Next, spread a sizeable amount of peanut butter on one of the slices and jelly on another with a butter knife.

Step 3

Now, lather the other side of the bread slices with dairy butter, close the sandwich and grill it on a pan. Your sandwich is ready to eat.

Alternative Method

Some people mix the peanut butter and jelly together before applying it on the bread slices for every bite to be evenly flavoured.