How To Make Greek Yoghurt At Home? Easy Recipe

By Smriti Dey

September 3, 2024

Are you a big fan of yoghurt but don't want to buy it from the store because of the additional preservatives? Make easy Greek yoghurt at home with less effort and a delicious taste. You can also add flavours you like with fresh fruits. It is a perfect breakfast option with homemade goodness!


2 cups plain yoghurt Cheesecloth or a fine-mesh strainer A large bowl

Step 1

Line the strainer with cheesecloth or a fine-mesh strainer. Place the strainer over a large bowl.

Step 2

Cover the yoghurt with a clean cloth or plastic wrap and let it drain in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. The whey will drain off.

Step 3

Once the yoghurt has drained to your desired consistency, transfer it to a container and store it in the refrigerator.