How To Get More Vitamin D During Monsoons

By Shireen Jamooji

You need vitamin D in order to absorb calcium and maintain phosphorus levels in the blood. Vitamin D comes mainly from the UVB rays of the sunlight and during the monsoons, this natural source is very reduced.

So to fulfil our daily intake, it’s suggested that you include rich sources of Vitamin D in your diet. Here are some foods that can help.


These are the best vegetarian source of Vitamin D, especially when they’re grown naturally they absorb a lot of vitamin D2.

Orange Juice

Switch out your coffee for a glass of natural orange juice for a morning dose of Vitamin D to your system.


The nutritious yolks can be a huge Vitamin D booster. You can get 10% of your daily needs just by adding one egg.


One glass of whole-fat milk can give you a whopping 20% of your daily requirements of Vitamin D.


Most fish, especially more naturally fatty fish like salmon or tuna can be a great source of Vitamin D.

Ricotta Cheese

Most cheese varieties don’t have a notable amount of Vitamin D, but ricotta is the exception with 25 units per serving.