Ever Tried This Easy Bread Dahi Vada?

By Vidushi Singh

Most loved and popular snack in North India. With fusion of chutney flavours and curd. The spices and the taste are all we crave for! Try this interesting recipe to make your day.


4 slices bread 1/4 cup urad dal 1 tablespoon yellow moong dal 1 teaspoon asafoetida salt as required 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 2 cup refined oil 1 1/2 cup yoghurt (curd) 2 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon coriander seeds black salt as required 1/2 inch ginger


2 cup water 2 dashes cumin powder 1/4 tbsp tamarind chutney 2 dashes red chilli powder 1 tbsp pomegranate seeds 1 dash garam masala powder 1 tbsp chaat masala powder 1 tbsp boondi For Filling 2 tsp desiccated coconut 4 almonds 4 cashews 1 tbsp raisins


Soak yellow moong and urad dal together for 8-10 hours or overnight. Now drain and keep aside. In a blender add the soaked dals, green chillies, ginger, asafoetida, salt, baking soda, and a little water. Grind until it’s light and fluffy.


In a bowl mix chopped almonds, cashews, raisins, and coconut. For the Vada take a bread slice cut the edges. Using a little water, keep the ends of the whole bread wet.


Add a little filling in the centre, close the ends to make a ball. In a deep pan heat oil. Take the vada balls and coat them in the dal batter and fry till golden brown.


Now in a large bowl and add ½ cup curd, sugar, salt, water and asafoetida. Mix them well, soak the vadas for 5-7 minutes.


In a bowl whisk the curd well with black salt, salt and sugar. Place these vadas on a plate, and pour the curd over them.


Garnish with spices and tamarind chutney coriander leave, pomegranate seeds, garam masala, chaat masala powder and boondi. Serve chilled