Homemade Orange Tang To Beat The Summer Heat 

By Deepali Verma

While some parts of India are still experiencing scrotching heat here we present a Homemade orange tang that is a refreshing and citrusy beverage that you can easily make at home with a few simple ingredients. 


1cup Sugar- you can use mishri too 1tbsp Orange essence 1tsp Orange Colour or more 1/3cup Citric Acid 1 cup Glucose Powder

Step 1 

Grind sugar until it resembles a powder. Mix with some orange extract and orange food colouring. 

Step 2 

Put this in a big basin with some glucose powder and citric acid. Blend together well. 

Step 3 

Keep for up to three months if sealed airtight. 

Step 4 

Mix the tang powder (1-2 tablespoons) with the cold water in a tall glass. Stir it up and enjoy!