Homemade Mango Frooti: To Refresh Your Summers 

By Deepali Verma 

Making your own Frooti at home is easy; all you need is fresh mango pulp, sugar, water, and a squeeze of lemon juice. 

Step 1

Remove the pit from ripe mangoes and cut them into cubes. 

Step 2

Puree the mango chunks in a blender. 

Step 3

Create a simple syrup by heating water and sugar in a pot until the sugar dissolves. 

Step 4

In a large pitcher, mix the mango puree, simple syrup, and a few drops of fresh lemon juice. 

Step 5

Make sure everything is evenly combined by stirring it thoroughly. 

Step 6 

Put the concoction in the fridge to cool. A pleasant and tasty mango drink, the handmade Frooti is best served over ice.