Homemade Beetroot Probiotic Drink For A Happy Gut

By Vidushi Singh 

Traditional fermented beverage from North India is called kanji. Beetroot and luscious red carrots are typically used to make this beneficial probiotic beverage. They taste deliciously pickled and fermented.


5 to 6 carrots  2 beetroots 8 cups water  2 teaspoons red chili powder 2 tablespoons yellow mustard seeds Tablespoon black mustard seeds 1 tablespoon black salt

Step 1

Start by rinsing the carrot. Now chop them into sticks. In the grinder, add 2 tablespoons yellow mustard to a fine powder.

Step 2

Now take boiled water, let it cool. Take a glass jar add the carrots, beets, ground yellow mustard powder, black salt or regular salt and red chili powder.

Step 3

Pour the boiled water into the jar. Stir this mixture well with a clean dry spoon.

Step 4

Loosely cover the mouths of the jars or bottles with lids, or secure and tie a muslin/cheese cloth. The bottles or jars should be kept in the sun.

Step 5

Permit the beverage to ferment for two to three days until it turns sour. Make sure the beverage doesn't ferment too much.

Step 6

Keep on stirring the mixture everyday, with the  wooden spoon. Shake the jar too.

Step 7

The carrot kanji is ready when the beverage starts to taste sour. Store the kanji beverage in the fridge.