Holi 2024: Planning To Consume Bhang? 7 Do’s And Don’ts To Follow

By Krati Purwar

March 12, 2024

Bhang is cannabis that causes intoxication in the body. Its consumption is popular in India during Shivratri and Holi celebrations. While enjoying the festival of colours, people consume it along with other sweets and savouries. If consumed in small amounts, it can leave you with a happy buzz, but if taken in large amounts, it can affect your health adversely. Here are some do’s and don’ts to follow. 

Don’t Mix Bhang And Alcohol

Unless you want to invite the worst hangover and health issues, you must not mix bhang with alcohol. It can be fatal even if you are in the prime of your health.

Do Stay Hydrated

Bhang can dehydrate your body. It is a good option to eat more fruits, drink water, or consume smoothies to stay hydrated.

Don’t Eat Fried Food

After drinking bhang, you should avoid eating fried food. It can lead to acid reflux by increasing the toxin levels in the body.

Do Buy From Authorised Shops

You must always buy bhang from authorised government shops. Street vendors might be selling bhang containing chemicals and colours.

Don’t Drink Bhang If Your Health Issues

People with existing health issues, especially heart-related problems should avoid consuming bhang. It can worsen their condition.

Do Drink With Full Stomach

The biggest mistake you can make is drinking bhang empty stomach. Always eat something to avoid nausea, headache, and vomiting later.

Don’t Mix Bhang And Painkillers

If you experience a headache after drinking bhang, you must avoid eating painkillers. Bathing with cold water can help, but consuming painkillers can cause nausea.