How To Make Detox Drink For Weight Loss

By Risha Ganguly

Detox drinks not only help you beat the heat, they keep you fit, healthy and boost your immunity. Follow our 4 step recipe to make detox drink for weight loss.


All you need to make a refreshing, weight loss summer drink is a lemon, mint leaves,cucumber and a low calorie sweetener like stevia.

Step 1

Take a jug full of water. You can make a batch for a couple of days at the most and it is always better to have the detox drink fresh.

Step 2

Slice you cucumber into thin pieces. Do not peel it before slicing the. Chop your mint leaves roughly. And then, slice your lemon into circular pieces.

Step 3

Add the lemon slices, cucumber slices and chopped mint leaves to the jug of water. Add a couple drops of stevia and give your drink a nice stir.

Step 4

Cover the jug with a id and keep it overnight. Take it out the next day, pour it in a glass or transfer it to a bottle to sip throughout the day.