Hina Khan’s Dietary Habits Are Pure Goals

By Jasmine Kaur

The TV and film actor is a hard-core foodie as well as a fitness enthusiast . She balances her indulgences with her flexible diet and strict exercise.  

Breezy Mornings 

A glass of warm water with lemon and honey is her go-to morning ritual. Breakfast is usually a light cup of green tea. 

Power-Packed  Lunch 

An ardent fan of fresh fruits and vegetables, her lunch plate is usually a combination of seasonal sabzi and one chapati made of jowar or bajra. 

Protein-Rich  Dinner 

A hard-core meat-lover, Hina enjoys grilled meats and fish for dinner the most. She often alternates it with soups and stews. 

No Fixed Diet 

Eating what she wants to whenever she feels like is her mantra. She doesn’t follow a set menu and allows a lot of flexibility and variety in her diet. 

Portion Control And Exercise 

The key to her fit body is portion control. Monitoring her frequency and quantity of food, along with regular workouts is the secret to her great physique.