6 Spices That Will Help Control Your Cholesterol Level

By Nikita Toppo

September 26, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Managing cholesterol levels is important to keep the heart healthy.  Here are six spices that can help you in lowering your cholesterol levels.

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Fenugreek Seeds

Consuming fenugreek seeds daily can help in reducing bad cholesterol and triglyceride.

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Having about 3 grams of cinnamon daily can reduce your cholesterol levels and keep your heart healthy.

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This golden spice lowers bad LDL in the body along with reducing inflammation.

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Coriander Seeds

Drinking a glass of coriander infused water in the morning will help you manage cholesterol levels and improve digestion.

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Black Pepper

The compound called piperine present in black pepper helps in keeping the heart healthy.

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Carom Seeds

Having carom seeds on an empty stomach reduces bad cholesterol levels and contributes to weight loss.

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