Here Are The Summer Staples To Include To Your Diet 

By Deepali Verma

While fans and air conditioning might help you beat the heat, eating summer veggies can also keep you healthy and cool from the inside. Include these vegetables in your diet to experience the incredible outcomes. 


Given their high-water content, cucumbers are excellent on hot days. Additionally, they are rich in antioxidants like vitamin K and vitamin C. They are a great method to stay hydrated because they are 96 percent water. 

Pointed Gourd 

Due to its low calorie count and high vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content, parwal is also said to be beneficial for weight loss and digestion. 

Bottle Gourd 

In addition to having a lot of water, bottle gourds also have a lot of calcium, which is good for the bones. It has long been used as a natural remedy for blood sugar control, excessive cholesterol, and digestive problems. 


Pumpkins contain a lot of vitamin A, which strengthens your immune system and keeps you healthy. Pumpkins contain beta-carotene, which helps control body temperature and prevents heart disease. 

Bitter Gourd 

It is frequently referred to as Karela and is rich in calcium, vitamin C, iron, and potassium. It facilitates digestion and maintains blood sugar balance, enabling the body to resist the heat. 

Raw Mango 

Without raw mangoes, summer isn't complete. This modest ingredient provides its citrusy aromas to numerous meals, from chutneys to aam panna, keeping you cool during the heat.   

A wild cucumber variety is called kachri. Fresh kachri, which blooms in the summertime in the desert regions, resembles a brownish-yellow tiny melon. Cooking with dried kachri powder imparts a sour flavour. 

Wild Cucumber