Here Are Some Tips To Make Chocolate Cake In Kadai

By Risha Ganguly

Indian cooking is all about jugaad and this Valentine's day, you can use our tips to make an amazing jugaadu chocolate cake in your kadai! Click to know what the tips are.

Sieve Properly

It is important to sieve the dry ingredients properly, it helps the kadai cake turn fluffy.

Mixing Is Key

Do not over mix or under mix the ingredients. It can make the cake extremely crumbly.

Cut And Fold

Use the cut and fold method to make the kadai cake batter, so that it turns out soft.

Heavy Bottom Kadai

Use a heave bottom kadai to make the cake because that ensures even cooking from all sides.

Timing Is Key

Be patient and cook on a low flame for 30 minutes. Do not open the lid before 30 mins or the cake might sink.


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