Heart Healthy Foods To Include In Your Diet 

By Deepali Verma 

Many young, outstanding performers have passed away from heart attacks in the recent years. The devastating news of celebrities who were well-known for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and yet died of a heart attack at such a young age sent shockwaves across the nation. In addition, their deaths have sparked worry among the general population. Include these foods in your diet for a heart-healthy diet. 


A small portion of walnuts every day could aid in lowering cholesterol. Moreover, it might protect your heart from artery discomfort. 

Olive oil 

When used in place of saturated fats like butter, olive oil, a healthy source of fat, can lower cholesterol levels. 


Oranges include the cholesterol-lowering fibre pectin and are sweet and juicy. Moreover, they contain potassium, which helps control blood pressure. 

Whole grains 

Whole grains contain minerals and fibre that support heart health and blood pressure regulation. 


Legumes, often known as pulses or beans, such as beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils, can all significantly lower blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as bad cholesterol. 


Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a plant pigment that occurs naturally and has strong antioxidant properties. Lack of lycopene has been linked to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. 

Current research has confirmed the tremendous medicinal benefits of garlic and found that it may even improve heart health. 
