Heart Health: 8 Best Nuts For Your Heart

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

August 25, 2023

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Nuts are a huge source of fiber and proteins that help reduce the risk of heart diseases. Here are a few nuts that keep your heart healthy!

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These popular nuts are easily available and contain high fiber. They can be eaten raw or roasted and are even consumed as almond milk, flour and almond butter.

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These shell protected nuts promise to keep your heart protected as they are packed with nutrients but lower in calories and fat than many other nuts.

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They are excellent sources of copper and help reduce the risk of heart conditions. They also improve brain functioning.

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A household favourite, these nuts pair well with both savory and sweet dishes. You can eat them raw, roasted, or as nut butter. They improve bone health and reduce blood pressure.

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Macadamia Nuts

High in healthy fats and low carbs, these nuts have a buttery texture and reduce blood sugar levels.

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Though they're from the legume family, these have nutrients similar to that of tree nuts and help improve heart health.

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Packed with healthy fats, proteins and fibres, they're loaded with plant compounds and increase your antioxidant intake.

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They help in DNA synthesis, immune development and wound healing. They reduce cholesterol levels and help in maintaining your heart.

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