Heard of Seed Cycling? 8 Reasons Why Women Must Try It!

By Ranita Ray

PC: stlukeshealth.org

Seed cycling is a natural method women can use to regulate their menstrual cycle. It involves consuming specific seeds during different phases of the menstrual cycle.  How does it work? How to do it? Why must women try seed cycling? All answers are here.

First Half Of Cycle

 During the first half of the cycle, women consume a combination of flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds.

Second Half Of Cycle

Women should eat a mixture of sesame seeds and sunflower seeds throughout the second part of their cycles.

Balances Hormones

The idea behind seed cycling is that these seeds contain specific nutrients that can help balance hormones and support the menstrual cycle.

Flaxseeds & Estrogen

Flaxseeds, for example, contain lignans which can help regulate estrogen levels.

Pumpkin Seeds & Progesterone

Pumpkin seeds are a storehouse of zinc. The body needs zinc for progesterone production.

Sesame Seeds & Hormones

Sesame seeds contain lignans that block estrogen overproduction, and their zinc content promotes progesterone growth.

Sunflower Seeds & Selenium

Sunflower seeds contain selenium which can support liver function and hormone metabolism.


Although there isn't much data on seed cycling, many women have said it helped them with problems like cramps and bloating during their periods.

Words Of Advice

Remember that seed cycling must not be used as a substitute for medical treatment for menstrual irregularities or other health concerns.