Heard Of Blue Tea? Discover The 7 Benefits Of The Vibrant Tea 

By Bornika Das

September 5, 2023

Image Credit: Austral Herbs/Pinterest

Have you heard of blue tea? Well, if no, then blue tea is a beverage prepared from blossoms of the Clitoria ternatea plant and has a strong blue hue. When served chilled, blue tea’s outstanding nutritional profile makes it a fantastic beverage for weight reduction as well as a cool beverage to sip. Tap to know the benefits of blue tea: 

Image Credit: Tea Swan/Pinterest

Antioxidant Properties

Blue tea has antioxidant properties which fight the free radical. It reduces the oxidative stress which is known for the onset of some illness.  

Image Credit: Tea Swan/Pinterest

Manages Cholesterol 

Blue tea lowers cholesterol and manages blood pressure which benefits the heart health. Furthermore, it exhibits antithrombotic properties.

Image Credit: Tea Forte/Pinterest

Diabetes Control 

Blue tea’s anthocyanins may aid in controlling your blood sugar levels. The antioxidants slows down the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, which results in reduced insulin and blood sugar levels. 

Image Credit: The Social Tea House/Pinterest

Heart And Bain Health 

The presence of anthocyanin benefits the heart and the brain. Besides, the tea has anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, and antibacterial effects. 

Image Credit:wildturmeric/Pinterest

Prevents Cancer 

Anthocyanin, the antioxidant is found in abundance in blue tea are known to reduce inflammation and inhibit the formation of cancer cells. 

Image Credit: Oh, How Civilized/Pinterst

Benefits Weight Loss  

Blue tea may aid in weight loss by acting as a mild diuretic, helping to reduce water retention and bloating due to the presence of antioxidant. 

Image Credit: Majstic Herbs/Pinterest

Stress Buster 

The tea has stress-relieving properties that might also aid in easing anxiety symptoms. Additionally, it is believed to revive the mind, strengthen energy and stamina and boost mood.

Image Credit: Etsy/Pinterest