Healthy Digestion To Reduced Obesity: 6 Benefits Of Brown Bread

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 11th, 2023

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Brown bread is a nutritious variant of the usual white bread. Made with whole wheat flour, it retains the germ and bran and is suitable for a healthy eating diet plan. The golden ingredients of brown bread include wheat flour, water, salt, sugar, and yeast.

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Healthy Digestion

The fibre present in whole grains support healthy digestion. It acts as probiotics and help feed you beneficial gut bacteria that are vital for digestive health.

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Vitamin Rich

It's the powerhouse of vitamin B, vitamin E, and vitamin K. A sure shot food that'll keep you energised and charged up throughout the day.

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Reduced Risk Of Stroke

With compounds like antioxidants, vitamin K, and fibre, this whole grain rich food also reduces the risk of stroke.

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Helps Bowel Movements

Brown bread is a natural laxative and thus, helps with bowel movements. It is rich in fibre that adds weight to stool. Brown bread also speeds up the flow of materials through the intestine.

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Lowered Risk Of Heart Disease

With a rich whole grain content, brown bread lowers the risk of heart disease. It reduces cholesterol and helps maintain blood pressure.

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Reduced Obesity

Brown bread is a fibre-rich food and does magic to your hunger pangs. It prevents overeating by filling you up quickly and is recommended for weight loss.

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