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Healthier Tacos: Hacks To Give Them A Spin 

By Jasmine Kaur

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Right from the tortilla to the vegetables and the protein, everything can be switched to healthier substitutes so that you can enjoy tacos guilt-free. 

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Load Up On Veggies 

The best way to make something healthy is by adding veggies. Take spinach, kale, avocados, tomatoes and all you can think of to stuff in your taco. 


Master Your  Proteins 

Red meats are high on calories so opt for leaner protein like chicken or shrimps and fish. This will add flavour and nutrition to your tacos at the same time. 

Healthify Tortillas

Healthify The  Tortillas 

Switch to baked tortillas instead of fried ones and substitute maida-based ones with wheat or corn tortillas so that you don’t have to count calories. 


Prepare Homemade Salsa 

Toss in pineapples, mangoes and more for homemade salsa with a punch. Slather guacamole spread instead of sour cream on the taco and enjoy. 

Tex mex salad

Alternate With  Tex-Mex 

A crunchy and light tex-mex salad can be your next best option. Mix all the stuffing of tacos in a bowl and garnish with corn chips to give a similar flavour. 

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