Health In Bitterness: 7 Bitter Foods That Are Good For You

By Nikita Toppo

September 25, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Being a picky eater, we often overlook the benefits of bitter foods. Here are seven bitter foods you must include in your diet.

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Bitter Gourd

We may not like its bitter taste, but karela is packed with various essential nutrients including vitamins and folate.

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This bitter leaf is known to manage blood sugar levels, promote oral hygiene and improve skin health.

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Fenugreek Seeds

This tangy and slightly bitter herb benefits the body in several ways including the digestive system.

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Harshringar Leaves

This underrated leaf is good for boosting immunity, alleviating joint pain and reducing hair loss.

Image Credit: Geeta Athwal/facebook

Amaranth Leaves

Packed with several nutrients including vitamin C, these bitter leaves are known to maintain collagen and repair muscle tissue.

Image Credit: Pexels

Bitter Chocolate

Bitter or dark chocolate is extremely bitter when unsweetened and is known to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

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Jute Leaves

Jute leaves are low in calories and contain plenty of essential nutrients including vitamin A, C, riboflavin, folate and iron.

Image Credit: Maty  Fisheries/facebook