Health Benefits Of Eating Almonds Everyday

By Bornika Das

A handful of almonds benefit our health miraculously. They are rich in protein, fibre, calcium, manganese, Vitamin E, and riboflavin. They also contain iron, potassium, zinc, Vitamin B, and many other nutrients. They are known to be the storehouse of healthy unsaturated fat. Check out the health benefits of almonds.

Almonds Reduce Cholesterol

Almonds increase Vitamin E in your blood cells, reducing the risk of having cholesterol. It provides antioxidants in the bloodstream and prevents the cells from developing cholesterol.

Almonds Are Good For The Heart

Having antioxidant properties in the bloodstream, it helps reduce blood pressure and improve the blood flow in parts of the body.

Almonds Regulate Blood Sugar

Consuming almonds helps in regulating blood sugar levels and stabilize them. For people suffering from diabetes type 2, almonds help stabilise it. Owing to the presence of magnesium, almonds produce insulin, which helps the diabetic patient in controlling the disease.

Almonds Control Blood Pressure Level

The presence of magnesium in almonds helps in controlling blood pressure levels in the body.