Having A Game Night? This Cheesy Quinoa Nachos Is All You Need To Binge

By Aanchal Mathur

Craving for a quick and easy snack for the game night or evening party? This super easy and cheesy Nachos recipe is sure to bring your party alive! 


70 gm nachos 100 gm jalapeno cheese sauce 60 gm boiled frozen sweet corn 60 gm tomato 60 gm sliced jalapeno 100 gm thinly sliced onion 100 gm mozzarella Piri Piri seasoning as required 

Step 1

To begin with, take a microwave safe ceramic plate and arrange the nachos in layers properly.

Step 2

Spread the cheesy jalapeno dip over nachos followed by veggies and sliced jalepenos.

Step 3

Now sprinkle mozzarella cheese evenly on the nachos followed by seasoning, and bake in a pre-heated oven at 350 F for 2 minutes.  

Step 4

Remove from oven and serve the cheese nachos with dips of your choice.