Have These Post Workout Meals Guilt-Free

By Risha Ganguly

Post-workout meals can be tricky. You want to replenish the body with energy but do not want to hamper your diet with high-calorie diet. Here are the perfect meals for you.

Hard Boiled Eggs

Boiled eggs, paired with some green veggies and whole-wheat toast is one of the best and most balanced post-workout meals.

Tuna Salad

Tuna is low on calories but at the same time, very filling. A nutritious salmon salad is the answer to your post-workout hunger pangs.

Berries and Yogurt

Top a bowl of flavoured greek yogurt with your favourite berries and you will get a bowl full of protein, vitamin and fibre! Add nuts and dry fruits if you want.

Avocado Toast

This simple yet delicious dish is a great breakfast or dinner option along with being an amazing post-workout meal. Squeeze some lemon to add tangy taste.

Hummus and Pita

One of the most nutritious meals, hummus and pita is guaranteed to become your favourite combination once you get hooked to it. It is best enjoyed with carrots.

Peanut Butter Smoothie

There are several smoothie options available to drink post workout, but a creamy peanut butter shake, made with whey protein is the most satiating option.