Have Leftover Tea Leaves? 6 Ways To Reuse Them

By Nikita Toppo

October 5, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

In most Indian families, the morning cannot start without a hot cup of tea. But what do you do with the leftover tea leaves? Do you just throw them away? Here are five smart ways to use them in your kitchen:

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Add To Your Salad

Start by adding a small amount of tea leaves to make a dressing for your salad. Then adjust the quantity accordingly.

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For Removing Odour

All you need to do is dry the damp leaves, pack them in cheesecloth, and keep them wherever you want.

Image Credit: Pexels

Use As A Fertiliser

As they are rich in antioxidants, tea leaves can become an amazing nutrient for your plants.

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An Excellent Cleaner

The damp tea leaves can be used as a scrubbing agent for cutting boards and dirty dishes.

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To Get Rid Of Bugs

You can get rid of those tiny bugs with your used tea leaves. All you have to do is sun-dry them and burn them in the area where you mostly see the bugs.

Image Credit: Pexels