Have High Pressure? These 7 Foods You Must Avoid

By Bornika Das

In this era of lifestyle diseases, high blood pressure occurs to be one of the most common diseases among all. Apart from intaking medicines regularly, one must indulge in proper dietary plan. It is important to avoid these seven foods if you have high blood pressure:


The first food to avoid is the food packed with high amount of salt. An excess of salt consumption can lead to high sodium levels in the blood, which in turn leads to high blood pressure.

Red Meat

Mutton, pork or other red meats should be avoided for those having high blood pressure. The two ingredients - sodium and fat can cause blood pressure to shoot up.


The use of excessive salt and oil in pickles are food to avoid with high blood pressure. 

Processed Food

Processed foods be it frozen meats or frozen meal, they are packed with sodium and salt which are dangerous for those with high blood pressure. 


Sugary foods and beverages pose a major threat to people with high blood sugar. Sugar can also cause obesity, which also increases blood pressure.


Consuming alcohol is directly linked to high blood pressure, which is why cutting it down is very important. Further, alcohol consumption can also interfere with medications for hypertension and other diseases.


We all love chutneys, ketchup, cheese dips, soy dips and chilli sauces along with our snacks and meals. But these condiments are foods to avoid with high blood pressure because they are packed with too much sodium.