Hacks 101: 6 Tips To Keep Your Vegetables Fresh

By Smriti Dey

January 14, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

Don’t have time to buy vegetables every day? Want to store your vegetables fresh for a long time? Here are six tips to keep your vegetables fresh as before. Keep reading!

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Water Dip

Like your veggies crisp? Dip your veggies, like asparagus, celery, and carrots, in a jar of water in the fridge. 

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Cheese Cloth For Leafy Greens

Cheesecloth has more than one usage! You can wrap leafy greens in paper towels or cheesecloth before placing them in a bag or container. 

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Mason Jar Lettuce Storage

You can store washed and dried lettuce leaves in a mason jar. Also, place a paper towel at the bottom to absorb any remaining moisture, and seal with the lid.

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Citrus Bath

The acid from citrus fruits can help preserve freshness and add a subtle flavour. Try out this method for a new elevated taste.

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Herb Ice Cubes

Freeze the herbs and pop out a cube when you need to add flavour to your dishes. This helps them stay crisp and retain freshness.

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Linen Cloth For Mushrooms

Love your mushroom fresh and soft? Store mushrooms in a paper bag or wrap them in a clean linen cloth. By doing this, it won't go mushy and stale. 

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