Hacks 101: 5 Hacks To Preserve Corn

By Smriti Dey

January 20, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

Is corn your favourite snack? Try these preserving hacks to have corn all year round. 

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Freezing Corn Kernels

Freezing can help retain the sweetness and texture of corn. Freezing is the most convenient option you can try. 

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Canning Corn

Canning corn involves sealing corn in jars to prevent spoilage and bacterial growth, extending its shelf life. It can help you store corn for more than a year. 

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Dehydrating Corn

Dehydrating involves removing moisture from corn and preserving it in a lightweight, space-efficient form. It's perfect for camping and storing it for more than a year.

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Corn Relish

Make a pickle base to preserve corn. Try combining corn with other vegetables and preserving them in a vinegar-based solution.

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Corn Chowder Base

This hack simplifies meal preparation. Having a pre-made corn chowder base in the freezer makes the cooking process very easy.

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