By Rittwik Naskar

Guilt Free In-Between Snacking Ideas

Want to snack without the guilt of adding any extra calories, then here’s 5 healthy snacks that’ll keep you satiated all day.

Hummus is a protein dip and paired with high fibre vegetables cut into sticks, it becomes an instant hit when it comes to snacking healthy.

Hummus and Carrots or Veggies

The casein protein breaks down slowly in your gut and antioxidant filled berries provide the much-needed natural sweetness to the pairing.

Yogurt and Berries

Made with oats, dates, nuts, and sunflower seeds pulsed in a blender until it turns into a malleable mixture, these energy balls are tasty and sans any processed sugar.

Oats and Dates Energy Balls

Avocado is high in healthy fats and fibre and its creamy texture paired with unsweetened multigrain crackers, becomes the perfect snacking option anytime of the day.

Avocado Crackers

Combine a cup each of walnuts, cashews, almonds, and pistachios with half a cup of sunflower seeds and one and a half cups of dried fruits like raisins, apricots and figs. You can even add dark chocolate pieces, after all, it's your trail mix.

DIY Trail Mix